Judul/Title Social Network Analysis (SNA) on #kristengray hashtag: Understanding Gentrification Side Effect Behind The Digital Nomad Phenomenon
Penulis/Author R. Derajad Sulistyo Widhyharto, S.Sos., M.Si. (2)
Tanggal/Date 19 2021
Kata Kunci/Keyword
Abstrak/Abstract Indonesia is one of the destination countries for the digital nomads in South East Asia. Digital Nomad can be described by the person who combines work and leisure activities, without geographical borders. The digital nomad lifestyle is becoming a trend after an American tourist, Kristen Gray, went viral on the Twitter Platform. She promoted Bali as a heaven for the digital nomad because of the low cost of living and cultural openness by selling eBook and open consultation services for the people who live in the American and European continents, then she deported by the Indonesian Immigration Authorities, charged with the misuse of visas (she was used tourism visa for business purposes). Then, the research question arises, are there potential gentrification effects of digital nomad lifestyle to the local people? And what should the government do to tackle this issue? This research is conducted by analysing tweets using the #kristengray and #digitalnomad hashtag, obtained from January 12 to March 21, 2021. The results are more than 49 percent of users, which dominated by the foreigner is defending Kristen Gray, and forcing the Indonesian government to open Bali as digital nomad living places, but 51 percent of users, who dominated by Indonesian is refusing what the Kristen Gray doing, by arguing if Bali is purely just for tourism places. The results show that gentrification is potentially happening between the digital nomad and residents, because of the difference in economic level, culture and value. Then, the government should consider making a policy to minimize the effects of gentrification resulting in digital nomad activities, suggesting open special visas with the restriction and tax policy for the digital nomad.
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Bahasa Asli/Original Language English
Level Nasional
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