Judul/Title Promoting Ethics and Integrity in Indonesia: Justifications and Reasonings of The Mepi’s Project for Indonesian Higher Education Institutions
Tanggal/Date 3 2023
Abstrak/Abstract The Management of Ethics and Strengthening Integrity (MEPI, Manajemen Etika dan Penguatan Integritas )’s program has been developed at and by Gadjah Mada University (UGM), Indonesia, since mid-2018. This paper overviews the project and discusses its justifications and reasonings. One of the driving forces in the emergence of the MEPI has been addressing “ethical neediness” as a common phenomenon in Indonesia. In addition, there is a need to promote a confident expectation of conduct among campus residents in research, education, and community services. To address this challenge of “ethical neediness,” a conventional approach emphasizing ethical management on a narrow rules-based focus is often utilized. This article contends that to have effective ethics management, such a conventional approach is insufficient. This presentation will discuss why the MEPI adopts a strategy of the non-conventional approach based on a combination of external and internal controls. As a project specifically designed to improve standards of ethical behaviors and expectations of conduct, the MEPI applies to the campus environment and various governmental and civil society organizations. This article contributes to our knowledge about making ethical priorities and ethical management measures underlying the MEPI’s project that utilizes a nonconventional strategy of aggressively promoting ethics and integrity, emphasizing aspects of a rules-based (or compliance) and values-based approach combined
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Bahasa Asli/Original Language English
Level Internasional
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