Judul/Title Pemahaman dan Penerapan Ajaran Kawruh Jiwa Ki Ageng Suryomentaram Tentang Raos Persatuan Dalam Kehidupan Sehari-hari
Penulis/Author Sunarno (1) ; Prof. Drs. Koentjoro, M.BSc., Ph.D., Psikolog (2)
Tanggal/Date 2018
Kata Kunci/Keyword
Abstrak/Abstract The aim of this research is to seek for sense of unity model among people in Bangun Rasa village so that it can be used as a role model for other regions with qualitative approach and case study method. Data collections have been done by interviewing subjects and informants as data res ources and observing either participants or non - participants directly. The other data resources are from both written and unwritten documents. The result of this research is: Firstly , the sense of unity for/among Bangun Rasa residents would be comprehended as the absence of walls or bulkhead and caste between one another, the cooperativeness, the sense of mutual need to each others, golong gilig (the only thought, desire, and action), and to have a harmony life between one resident to another. Secondly , the application of sense of unity in daily life by Bangun Rasa residents is reflected into public/society implementations, in the form of mutual cooperation behaviour. Thirdly , the benefit of unity sense is urip dadi sugih (to become rich in life), urip dadi entheng (to get an ease in life; life becomes lighter), the relationships among individuals become unrigid, and to instill a sense of ‚we cannot live without others?, to instill a sense of empathy, and to ease the government’s burden. And fourth , the resid ents’ psychological condition after the implementation of sense of unity is to spawn comfortable feelings (nyaman), surrender (sumeleh), and to live in harmony and peaceful (tentrem). Keywords : Cultural Diversity, Ki Ageng Suryomentaram’s Soul Recognition Teachings, Sense of Unity and Indigenous Psychology
Rumpun Ilmu Psikologi Umum
Bahasa Asli/Original Language Bahasa Indonesia
Level Nasional
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